Friday, 7 February 2025

Northward bound, Jan 2025


Onewhero Domain - the story of the Onewhero
Rugby Club

We had a week to get to our next sit in Onewhero, South of Auckland.  We couldn't wait to get back out in our van and planned to take the west coast road, out in the boonies.

We stayed a couple of nights at a fabulous campground at Tainui Wetere Domain.  It was quite busy and obviously popular, being in the main road.  But the fishing was good enough to peak our interest.

We were told about a short walk around the rocks at low tide to pick a bunch of mussels.  Nekminit ...

Kahawai and mussel Laksa

We spent a night at Kiritehere beach, enjoying some fishing (and catching).

We passed through Marokopa the following day.  It is currently world famous in NZ as the very isolated place from which a guy comes who has been missing in the bush with his three children for two years!

Beaches, beaches everywhere ....

River mouth at Marokopa

We went for a short walk to Waitanguru falls.

Then we spent a night at Te Waitere reserve.  360 degree views of the ocean.  Bliss!

The next night we spent at Onewhero domain.  We love it here.  They are very welcoming to the freedom camping community and the services have been added to since last we were here.  Clare was delighted to find her favourite tea bush in the garden.


We arrived at our housesit (for friends) feeling refreshed and ready to take the reins of the farm.  Our litter mates couldn't have pleased us more!


Garfield was only a tiny kitten when we were
here a few months ago

Farm dogs - Hank, Moose, Toss and Creed

We loved taking the dogs out a couple of times a day on fun adventures.

Playing in the creek

Looking for mischief

We also did a bit of hunting which was all part of the plan.

First ever peacock

Even the feathers were harvested

Goat, turkey and peacock

Processing plant

There was also plenty of time for chilling.

Don't let this fool you!  Wee menace.

We next moved just up the road to a sit in Waiuku.  Weirdly, we had no domestic pets at this sit, but we were in the very good company of some fantastically friendly goats.

We also had 16 hefers and 10 calves, one of which we called the vet to as it was not well.  We are pleased to report it made a full recovery.

Clare's brother, Tim, came for a visit.

And Clare popped into the Auckland city to visit her neice and daughter. It was great to be able to indulge in a bit of family time.

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