Saturday, 26 September 2020

Home away from home, Whakatane - Sept 2020


As it came time to leave Whanarua Bay, we were both feeling a little flat.  It is always so hard to leave this heaven on earth!  Stopping at the dairy in Tirohanga for one of their legendary ice creams softened the blow somewhat.

This was our first time back in town for a while and certainly since NZ jumped up to Level 2 Covid.  We had felt very safe from all things Covid up the bay.  But it was time to get out and about again and jump back into our housesitting lifestyle.  We would be stopping in Whakatane for 10 days to stay with our number one springer spaniel, Max ......

And his lovely sister, Ruby ....

We arrived in town a day earlier than planned as James had been offered a day out on a fishing charter.  Well, that was a no brainer!!

A bin full of terakihi

One of James' favourite fish to catch - a kingfish

James brought home 20 terakihi and some kingfish for the tummy and the freezer.  We also gave lots away to family and friends who we knew would appreciate it.  The thing about the freezer is that we have a communal freezer at Ollie and Snow's in Whakatane that all manner of wild food goes into by both us and them. We are always delighted to add our contributions to it.  This year alone = venison, wild pork, rabbit and hare and lots and lots of fish.

Some friends from Whanarua, who also have a house in Whakatane that they spend time at, prepared a fish head brawn out of a hapuka head James had supplied from his previous fishing trip to Ranfurly Banks.  It really was most delicious and something we haven't ever made before.

Whitebait season had started which added a new dimension to our walks with Max on the riverbank.  Never sick of fishing, James decided to take his rod on our walks and try to spin up some kahawai which we hoped would be chasing the whitebait up the river.  He only caught one, but Max was happy to have his walks stretched out to a half hour or so longer.  As a trained bird dog, Max was a little confused about his roll in this activity.  He couldn't quite figure out if he was supposed to be flushing the fish out or fetching them in if it was stupid enough to get caught!

A discussion about who should
do what if they catch one!

It was easier for Max to get distracted by the ducks .... which he at least is familiar with.

We were privileged to watch a seal playing in the river on two occasions.

We enjoyed a couple of play dates with Max's best girl, Luna.  She is always so much fun at the beach trying to find the biggest possible sticks for us to throw.

Throw this one!

Coastlands Beach, enjoyed by animal
and vehicle alike!

Meanwhile, back at the house, Ruby is thoroughly enjoying some unseasonably awesome winter weather.

At the end of the day, Max is so happy to have us around he's even happy to make himself available as a footrest.

And Ruby enjoyed helping with Clare's knitting.

Thanks Ruby ... NOT! ;-)